Wednesday, 6 August 2014

All good things are wild & free

Harry Devert is a 32 year old american guy who died few months ago in Mexico. He's been traveling around the world for the past 5 years, and sharing his adventures on his blog.

I'm just sharing some of his thoughts cause I think he uses some words which are nice to read, nice to see, nice to share. Inspiring.

In "My story in a snapshot" he says:

"I am a life observer, a world traveler and a resident. Light and dark, good and bad, a thinker, an admirer and a critic, a lover and a fighter.

I'm passionate about life and LOVE living. I'm not sure what the purpose of this life is, but I love to talk and debate about it endlessly.

I'm a nature lover, an adventure lover, a music lover, a book lover, a sports lover, an arts lover, an animal lover, and above all a human lover. 
I am still exploring who I am. 
A simple guy, friendly, open minded, sarcastic, a gypsy at heart. Occasionally I surprise myself…and I like it that way.

I’m told I smile when I sleep and have a hard time not smiling constantly while I’m awake. I laugh easily and loudly.

I'm not a guy who thinks he has the answer. I'm a guy with questions.

There is so much good and so much to love in this world I sometimes can’t understand how people find time to hate things or even find enough things to be upset about. 

I believe life is short and that we need to make the most of it, and while many people say this, I truly try and live my life accordingly.

Beauty moves me…in nature, an idea, art, literature, architecture, music…I love photography.
Each moment in time is miraculous.

I believe we are constantly changing. Life, experience, and time change us wether we like it or not.

I think that life is a pilgrimage. My life is something like a small boat in the middle of the ocean driven by the weather and the tide. 

All I carry is faith.

I dream, I search, I love, I live."

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